Cure and Treatment of Toothache, Decay and Cavities by Remineralization. Natural Holistic Healing and Prevention Methods.  Sixth Edition.

natural tooth repair

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There are conditions that traditional medicine has tried to heal, but cannot. This is because most physical pain and discomfort has an underlying emotional cause. By asking the right questions the emotional cause behind the physical condition is discovered. This is because emotional pain that we refuse to feel, due to our ego or ignorance, will than expresses itself throughout the human body. However, by discovering the core emotional cause, it reduces the physical pain and suffering.  You don't have to share what you discovered as an emotional cause for illness.  The key is to acknowledge the underlying pain; to bring it out into the light so to speak.  Thus allowance of giving yourself permission to feel emotional pain, physical cures naturally manifest because the body already knows how to heal itself, it just needs the proper acknolwledgement. Hence, the role of playing victim ends. It is the process of releasing the emotional pain from its core and accepting forgiveness for others and yourself that starts the healing process. All energy in the universe wants to circulate, and proper circulation is key to not only life but to healing.  Hence forgiveness, acknowledgement and feeling are necessary for healthy circulation.  This method of healing is one of the lost keys to healing conditions that don’t seem to cure using traditional medicine. In some cases, the underlying cause can't be recognised straight away.  This is because the subconscious mind does not want to recognize and release it.  However with willingness and intuition, it will eventually reveal itself to you in time and the pieces of the puzzle will start coming together.  Hence all healing is a willgness to get better through surrendering the ego and letting go. Hence, ignorance is no more.

ACE Scores and Adverse Health Conditions. Click to learn more

The Documentary the FDA does not want you to know about.

This story is about Dr. Burzynski who was ruthlessly pursued by the FDA for his patent that cured thousands of patients deemed untreatable by conventional medicine. The story goes on to show how the FDA went behind his back and tried to copy his patents. The documentary includes full documentation, congressional hearings and witness testimonials, as well as  references as well as the astroturfing methods used to supress his cure. This movie should be recommended viewing for any student of the medical profession.

He has since published numerous scientific papers documenting how his technique is used to help thousands of people as well as clinical trials.  A list of his published papers can be found at the link below. Read the research for yourself and make up your own mind if this guy is the real deal

The Movie is published on Freebird4770 Bitchute's Channel and can be found at the following link:

The documentary can also be found on Youtube titled: Suppressing a cure for more than 40 years! BURZYNSKI: THE CANCER CURE COVER-UP - FULL DOCUMENTARY

The Cure for Cancer Youtube Documentary is shown below



Professional Healers, their education and backgrounds

Marcel Vogel - worked at the IBM San Jose Research Center for 27 years. Inventor of the Vogel Crystal. At 24 mins and 43 seconds into the video - Video testimony of Instantaneous Healing using a Vogel Crystal

Mitch Horowitz. Former editor-in-chief of TarcherPerigee and a frequent writer and speaker on religion and in print and on television, radio, and online, Horowitz’s writing has appeared in The New York Times. The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Time and and he has appeared on NPR, CBS News, NBC News, and Vice News.. in the below video, Mitch Horowitz is interviewed by Whitley Strieber where he talks about 10% of terminally ill people who experienced a spontaneous healing of their cancer healing by using intenstive meditation.

Dr. Bruce Lipton Lipton received a B.A. in biology from C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University in 1966 and a PhD in developmental biology from the University of Virginia in 1971.[3] From 1973 to 1982, he taught anatomy at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, before joining St. George's University School of Medicine as a professor of anatomy for three years.  In this video below, he talks about how cancer vanished from a patient in 4 days.

The below information is from the 5th Revision of the book Illuminating and Eternal Secret Teachings for anyone wishing for Prosperity, Wealth and Enlightenment by Scott Rauvers - Revised 5th Edition will be available early June.  Check for final revision release date

The instantaneous cure for early stages of cancer has been around for years. What we need now is a cure for the ignorance that it does not exist................


The Institute of Noetic Sciences has documented more than 3,500 cases of sudden spontaneous healing taking place in the human body.  They have all been carefully assembled into a book titled: Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography that was published by Marilyn Schlitz, in January 1993.  The book can be read online for free at:

Brent Michael Phillips is a world class software engineer from MIT, and helped to create the modern Internet during his time in graduate school at MIT. Shortly after a health crisis, he developed tools that have been used to instantly heal thousands of people. His website is
tch the following videos below where he talks about cases of instant healing.

How Clearing Past Emotions Facilitates Healing

Dr. Joe Dispenza is a doctor of chiropractic, international speaker, and writer. On his social media profiles he describes himself as "Researcher of epigenetics, quantum physics & neuroscience. Joe Dispenza is also a bestselling author; his books include "You Are The Placebo" and "Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself." He also appeared on the documentary series "Rewired" and the documentary film Heal (film). On the Heal documentary and on a podcast [3] published 2018, he talks about his spinal injury and how he dealt with the healing process.Below are healing testimonals by patients who took the healing courses he provides. Towards the end of the first video is a testimonal also by his doctor showing that Dr. Joe's method worked for the patient.

Joe's Coherence Healing Groups for people with cancer or other diseases can be found at:

Below are more videos by Joe.


Greg Bradden has a degree in geology worked for various defence contractors and is an American New Age author, who is known for his appearances in Ancient Aliens and his show Missing Links, and other publications linking science and spirituality.He has also argued that human emotions affect DNA and that collective prayer may have healing physical effects.He has published many books through the Hay House publishing house. In 2009, his book Fractal Time was on the bestseller list of The New York Times.Below is a video of Greg Bradden talking about how he healed himself of cancer.
Website -

The video titled: Gregg Braden - Quantum Healing of Tumour thru the Power of Thought & Feeling - - - where you can watch healing practitioners practice healing affirmations and eliminate a cancerous tumor in seconds.  The tumor can visibly be seen on ultrasound video while the affirmations take place.  It is truly a remarkable video. I have posted it below for your convenience -

Tumor Healed Instantly with Narrative by Greg Braden.

Richard Gordon
.With over 40 years of experience in the field of energy medicine, Richard is the best-selling author of ‘Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal’ and ‘Your Healing Hands – The Polarity Experience.’While attending Christos School of Natural Healing in Taos, New Mexico in the 70’s, Richard discovered the power of working with energy and hands-on healing. Richard founded the Quantum-Touch organization more than 20 years ago. The organization currently has more than 1,000 certified practitioners in 50+ countries around the globe. Their vision and mission is to help improve the health and quality of life for many people using simple, easy to learn energy healing techniques. His website is The below video is an interview of Richard Gordon. He talks about his mentor who removed a tumor instantly from a client, and his new technique where he is able to align defoformed bones instantly and in some cases without even touching the client.  It also talks about a method used where the interviewer healed his old cat of arthritus permanently. He is 78 years old (as of 2022) and in the video he looks about 45 to 47 years of age. He has also developed anti-aging quantum touch.

Dr. Eric Pearl ran a chiropractic practice in Los Angeles before discovering Reconnective Healing..  Dr. Eric Pearl has been featured in top media including The Dr. Oz Show, The New York Times and CNN. His internationally bestselling book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, is now in over 39 languages. This book has been endorsed by such notables as Deepak Chopra. the founder of 
Reconnective Healing His website is The Has practitioners in over 70 countries worldwide. Dr. William A. Tiller of Stanford discovered that Reconnective Healing alters the nature of the space healing sessions are occurring. I have included a video below of one of his workshops. Below are a three videos. The first one is a live television demonstation where he instantly healed woman. The second video involves a live tesimonial about Dr. Pearl's healing

Dr. Alex Loyd is the #1 Bestselling author of The Healing Code which sold over 1 million copies. He has been featured live, on NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox, and PBS News programs as an expert in healing the source issues underlying illness and disease.
Dr. Loyed states the root of any issue can be healed in just minutes.
His techiniques have been researched by universtities and tested in double blind studies which are published in peer reviewed journals. His techinque incorporates similar methods to EFT, by addressing errounous beliefs and incorporates spiritual practices to craate a genearl overall whole method of rapid healing.

Dr. Frank J. Kinslow is the discoverer of Quantum Entrainment and the founder of the Kinslow System. He has been researching and teaching healing techniques for more than 45 years. He draws from his clinical experience as a chiropractic physician, in-depth studies into Eastern esoteric philosophies and practices, and an ardent love of relativity and quantum physics. In 2007, the Quantum Entrainment process of rapid healing was born out of a personal crisis. His website is of the early pioneers of Quantum Entrainment.  His technology shows people how to make Quantum Entrained Healing Water, overcome fears and phobias, conquer financial worries, break the bonds of karma and create the perfect intention.  In some cases these healings occur in just minutes. Click below to read his book titled: The secret of Instant Healing

Marisa Peer is a British therapist, best-selling author, transformational leader, keynote speaker, and creator of the ‘I Am Enough’ movement. For over thirty years, Peer has worked with several people including, royalty, rock stars, actors, professional and Olympic athletes, CEOs, and media personalities. During this course, Peer wrote several self help books that became best-sellers. As the award-winning founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®), she created a complete solution-based treatment therapy that has changed the lives of thousands of people via its training program.RTT draws on the principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive behavioral therapy, neuroscience, and neuroplasticity to deliver fast, effective, and long-lasting results. Peer has addressed numerous conferences including The Mastermind Group London and the Women in Business Superconference, Awesomeness Fest, and The Royal Society of Medicine. Her website is . Like Dr. Joe Dispenza, who used the power of his mind to recover from a broken back, Marisa Peer used her mind to overcome her cancer and has since gone on to teach others the RTT Technique. Other techniques of hers include Healing Vortex and Cell Therapy. Many of her exercises result in healing in only a single session because the technique involves identifying the triggering emotion that causes a person's behavior.

Dolores Cannon’s career as a hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression spans almost 50 years and has taken her on an incredible journey along countless fascinating destinations. As the range of topics her work covers and sheer volume of original material she has produced places her in a category of her own, this section has been provided to give you insight into each stage of her career and how it has progressed over the years. Read about her early days in hypnotherapy when she first discovered reincarnation, learn how she developed and refined her own unique method of hypnosis known as Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠(QHHT®), discover all the captivating areas of research she has explored on her path and learn where her work is currently focused. She uses a similar technique to Marisa by going back to the source of the problem that caused the illness.

Past Life Regression Therapy. 
Pioneered by Dolores Cannon. Numerous practitioners can be found worldwide.

Lynne McTaggart is an American alternative medicine author, publisher, journalist, lecturer and activist. She is the author of six books, including The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Power of 8, and is the co-creator of the alternative medicine magazine What Doctors Don't Tell You. According to her author profile, she is a spokesperson "on consciousness, the new physics, and the practices of conventional and alternative medicine."
She is the founder of the  Power of 8 Groups. Groups can be formed anywhere.  More information can be found at https://lynnemctaggart.comHer website is

Lynne McTaggart talking about healings

Instant healings occuring on the Street

Broadcasting Healing Intentions

Irving Dardik and His Superwave Principle

Dr. Dardik states to exercise intensely for a total of just five minutes over a period of 30 minutes.  It is similar to interval training, but the person has target heart rates for each cycle. Dr. Dardik used his approach to improving athletic performanceand also taught people with a range of chronic diseases to use cyclic training to restore health.  He states the cause of chronic diseases is disrupted wave patterns, and that cyclic exercise reverses these disorders.


Further Reading
Cyclic exercise induces anti-inflammatory signal molecule increases in the plasma of Parkinson's patients. Patrick Cadet et al. Oct 2003.

High-energy shock wave therapy seemed to be an effective noninvasive tool for stimulation of bone healing in properly selected patients with a diaphyseal or metaphyseal nonunion of the femur or tibia.
High-energy extracorporeal shock wave treatment of nonunions. J D Rompe et al. June 2001.

Go to Instant Healing Videos Page 2, which includes specialty videos for healing blindness


Misc Data
The information below are tid-bits of information that I have collected that need sorting out.

Tablet 13 of the Emerald Keys
. An advanced QI-Gong practice that was practiced thousands of years ago. Currently being upgraded using the Life Rods. See my book: Fourth Revision - Deciphering Tablet Number XIII The Keys of Life and Death by Thoth the Atlantean.

Ho'oponopono Affirmation

- The Hawiian affirmation "I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you" is repeated 108 times.  It is said to be a prayer for the practice for forgiveness. This can be used for accelerating healing, to make amends or for forgiveness.

Healthy Circulation - Affirming this simple phrase enhances healthy blood circulation. - "The joy of the Lord is my strength" or "I recognize the Joy of the Lord, for he is my strength"

The Vogel Healing Crystals. Dr. Marcel Vogel created specially cut natural quartz double  terminated crystals, aligned with its C axis. The tip of the Crystal is cut at 52 degrees, which is the same degree as the Great Pyramid at Giza Plateau in Egypt. He discovered that these specially cut crystals take the etheric formative forces and channel them into the crystal which amplifies its energy as the person practices special breathing techniques.  The video titled: Dr Marcel Vogel - Crystal technique using breath - - - discusses the technique in greater  detail.  Dr. Vogel was a research scientist with IBM and holds patents in the field of luminescence. There is also another video titled: Dan Eugene Willis Instant Healing Testimony - Linda Moulton Howe Interview - - where Dan talks about witnessing a person having their cancerous tumor instantly removed using a Vogel Crystal. I have posted the video below for your convenience.

Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about a woman who had been legally blind since birth, having only 5% of her vision available to her.  After she took his workshop she received an instant healing.  She had however been practicing his techniques for weeks before attending the seminar.  She was so happy that her eyesight was restored and able to fully see again. In another workshop by Dr. Dispenza three  people who were deaf had their hearing restored (1) (2) (3).

(1) Book: You Are the Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter. Dr. Joe Dispenza (over 5,000 + 5 star reviews from readers)

(2) Miracle Healings.

German physician Franz Anton Mesmer, the forerunner of hypnotism, talks about partially curing  teenage concert pianist Maria-Theresia von Paradis of hysterical blindness, a psychosomatic condition she had since about the age of three. Her parents were less than overjoyed by her progress, because they stood to lose a royal pension if their daughter was cured.

The result of Susan’s work is now known as the Crossinology Brain Integration Technique. Developed in 1988 in Melbourne, Australia and brought to Boulder, Colorado ten years later, Crossinology is a drug-free therapeutic model that integrates energetic healing methods which tap into your body in order to optimize function in any area. Visit her Website

Why do people spend thousands of dollars and years paying therapists, counsellors and doctors when some of their problems can be healed in mere minutes. Sure not everyone may be able to be healed insteantly, but these pioneers are making major strides in treating the cause and not just the symptoms, resulting in rapid healings.  When we learn to function from awareness occuring in the field of our heart, we tap into fields of biodynamic torsion energy. Healing occurs as the antenna of our DNA makes use of the quantum potential emanating from the Zero Point Energy Field.

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Avoid Root Canals. 101 Homeopathic Nutrition Remedies to Stop Tooth Cavities - - CLICK HERE TO READ THE FIRST 3 CHAPTERS FREE!!

Top Scientist explains that better Immunity against COVID-19 is Natural Immunity

Published February 25th, 2023 -The Fundamentals of Solar Healing by Scott Rauvers

Naringin and naringenin are found in pummelo and grapefruit.
natural stronger than covid medications

Peer Reviewed Reseach Study  - Blackstrap molasses  - A cure for all cancers?

The Nine Most Common Factors In Radical Cancer Remission. By Kelly Turner who studied spontanous regressions of cancer in patients.
They all adopted radical dietary change. Many became vegans or vegetarians.
They took more control of their health than ever before
All followed their intuition more closely than ever.
Almost all took some form of nutritional supplementation
All gave attention to releasing suppressed emotions
Without exception they all made a conscious effort to increase positive emotions.
Every radical remission was achieved in the context of much social support.
Without fail, they all were engaged in deepening their spiritual connections.
Everyone had a strong reason / purpose to live.


Are Antineoplastons an alternative to Chemotherapy?
The best results were observed in children with low-grade glioma, where 74% of patients obtained objective response, and in patients with adenocarcinoma of the colon with liver metastases whose survival rate of more than 5 years is 91% versus 39% in controls on chemotherapy."
Research Study - The present state of antineoplaston research,39%25%20in%20controls%20on%20chemotherapy.

Tibetan Tormas
See my book: Anti-Aging Nutrition Secrets. The Fountain of Youth Seeker's Guide to Longevity for instructions on how to properly make a Tibetan Torma for healing and other uses.

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